Just your ordinary Christian woman, with a busy life and a thousand chores. Martha – my name – means exactly that: a Christian woman.
I am a Christian woman who battles against the busyness and noise of this world. I am a Christian woman learning to let go of the things this world seems to dictate, and taking hold of the truth and freedom we find in Jesus. I am also a Christian woman who wants to live in the here and now, and make those moments matter. A Christian woman who wants a focus on God’s kingdom to be woven into every part of her life.
That’s where I see Mary. The Mary who sits at Jesus’ feet while Martha is busy preparing and serving food. The Mary who weeps for her brother Lazarus while Martha goes out to meet Jesus. The Mary who pours expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet, simply because He is there. The Mary who seems to be much more aware of her humanity and her need for Jesus, and who goes against culture to be with Him.
And this Martha needs to be with Him a little more, and needs to become more like Him. Being Martha is not wrong, but I want to allow myself to be more human, and soak in Jesus instead of serving perfect meals. I want to look for His beauty in my life – in His creation, in music, in daily interactions, in small moments. He is everywhere in my life, and I believe that when we live out our humanity in all its rawness and brokenness and honesty and surrender that to Him, that is where His beauty comes to unfold in all its glory.
So this is my Mary Project. My attempt to being close to Jesus, at the feet of the Father, filled with the Holy Spirit, surrounded by Him. My place of wrestling with and learning His truth, while making sense of the brokenness of this world. Because when all is said and done, He is all that matters. And this Martha needs to be a little more Mary sometimes.
Thus, my Mary Project.
I am so excited that you are here, and that maybe, you join me in my project? Maybe you can come and show me how you already are a Mary – I would love to celebrate that with you! Or I go down on my knees next to you and be human, look for that beauty, and soak in Jesus, because maybe you are also one of the Marthas who needs a little Mary Project.
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.