Ten Minutes

How often do we go to God with our ten minutes, announcing to Him how much time we have, and what it may be that we need in those ten minutes?

Praying like Children

What if this year, I would pray like children? What if I would ask boldly, with no regards to what may be rational or logical or if it is even the right time? What would change in this world if I would pray with full knowledge that I am talking to the all-powerful, sovereign God of the universe?

Constantly Constant: Of Roadmaps and Journeys

I like my roadmaps, my knowing-where-I’m-going, clarity that this is the right next step and my foot will surely be safe when it lands. But it is so obvious in the pages of my journal that really, this life is not about a roadmap, and about where it all leads. It’s really about something quite different.

The Trees Are On Fire

This season, when the trees are on fire, and the days are getting shorter and darker, might be a reflection of your life: Fires everywhere, and it’s getting darker and heavier by the minute. Then this, my friend, this is for you.

Condemning Christianity

Condemning Christianity – a paradox in and of itself, right? And yet I believe it’s one of the great diseases of Christianity. But did Jesus, the very center of Christianity, come to condemn?

Dichotomy Of My Soul (Part II)

When we’re out in the wilderness, the dichotomy of our soul comes at us in full force, and the howling so loud that it pierces our ears. It’s there, out in the wilderness, between believing and not believing, where we need to remember His promises.

Dichotomy Of My Soul (Part I)

I struggle to make sense of faith, of the believing and yet somehow not believing, of the joyfully praising one day, and not sure what is true and right the next day. It’s the dichotomy of my soul.