Category The Scriptured Life

Scripture, the Holy Bible, God’s Word for us. Anything in this book is something that God really wants us to know. Sometimes, it’s easy to know what, sometimes, it seems more difficult. But the Word is here for us to understand, to live by, and to meditate on.

Here are some of my wrestling, meditation, and understanding of the Word and how it applies to my own life.

Praying like Children

What if this year, I would pray like children? What if I would ask boldly, with no regards to what may be rational or logical or if it is even the right time? What would change in this world if I would pray with full knowledge that I am talking to the all-powerful, sovereign God of the universe?

Condemning Christianity

Condemning Christianity – a paradox in and of itself, right? And yet I believe it’s one of the great diseases of Christianity. But did Jesus, the very center of Christianity, come to condemn?

Anointed To Serve

Even though David was anointed to be king, he first served as a shepherd, his family, and at king Saul's court. Before he was a hero, he first served. Maybe, this is the more heroic deed of his life?