We all know the story of Noah, right? He was tasked to build an ark to save himself and his family from a great flood that was going to cover all the earth and destroy every human being alive at that point. Noah and his family were the only ones that survived, because He was a righteous man.
Other than Noah, people were not living in the ways that God had intended.
A few hundred years later, the oh so wise king Solomo wrote these words: “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9c NIV). And honestly, it’s true.
There is nothing new under the sun. Just like in the days of Noah, people today don’t live in God’s ways. I often don’t live in God’s ways, in His ultimate good will for my life, in His best intentions for me.
All around me, and within me, there is heartache, there are difficult situations, there are destructive thoughts, and sometimes behaviour, there is evil, envy, hatred, lust, and war. There are floods, fires, earthquakes, shootings, demonstrations, and the list goes on.
Unlike Noah, we might not be facing literal floods that cover the entire earth. But we are facing partial floods, or symbollical floods: thoughts that are consuming us, devestating situations that suck all the air out of our lungs, destructive behaviour that robs us of all joy and life.
Then, sometimes, we might just need to get on our imaginary ark, shut the door, and put ourselves completely in the hands of the Lord. We might just need to take everything we have, and put all of our trust in Him.
That’s a good thing, because He has made rainbow promises to us. He has promised that He will keep us and sustain us, that He will never ever send a flood again that will drown all of us, but that instead, He has a differnet plan.
Instead, He has sent His only son, through whom God has shown us His unconditional, perfect love. Through Him, we can be saved from the flood, from the destruction, from the evil within us. Maybe our material goods can’t be saved from a literal flood, but if we live with Jesus, we have a weapon to take the thoughts that lead us down those wrong paths captive, and instead find solace in the ark that is provided for us: Jesus Christ. If we live with Jesus, we have hope for eternal saving from any flood.
These are the Lord’s rainbow promises to us: His redemptive plan for us. His way of making sure that He will never have to wipe us out again, because He loves us, and He wants to spend time with us. He wants us to know Him.
Through Jesus Christ, the ultimate fulfillment of God’s rainbow promises to us, He has redeemed us. None of us are worthy, holy, good, or righteous enough to save ourselves from that flood. Only because of God’s mercy are we saved.
Because of His mercy and grace, He has saved us. He made us righteous through the sacrifice of His one and only Son.
Jesus, and His sacrifice, is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s rainbow promises. He saved us to fulfill His own rainbow promises.
And He has made rainbow promises to all of us.
To you, and to me.
So put your trust in Him. Because He has made rainbow promises to you.
And every time you see a rainbow, remember: You are made righteous through Him. He is worth putting your trust in.